Who said that rodent and a dog can’t be friends? This couple refutes all stereotypes.
Pyrenean mountain dog Fiona lives in San Francisco and lives an active lifestyle with her owner. Her favorite pastime is walking in thepark andmaking neew friends.
A cute dog does not mind talking even with those who are hundreds of times smaller than her.
So, recently her owner shared with Instagram users a funny video in which Fiona is trying to make contact with a little gopher. The footage shows how the timid animal now and then hides from a new acquaintance in a hole, but after a couple of seconds it again appears on the surface.
According to the owner of the dog, when she found out that gophers live in her favorite Golden Gate Park, she immediately wanted to take a closer look at them. Each time, coming here for a walk, the Pyrenean lays down at one of the minks and patiently waits until a rodent crawls out of it.
And although such a friendship may seem impossible at first glance, the gopher, realizing that Fiona is not aggressive, became interested in communicating with her. So they continue to regularly play hide and seek – and it seems that it gives pleasure to both.
By the way, Fiona is interested not only in “smaller brothers”, but also in larger animals. So, in mid-September, her owner managed to capture an unexpected meeting of a pet with a deer. Surprisingly, the forest guest was not afraid of such a large dog. Yes, and Fiona did not show any fear and aggression. The two played peepers, sniffed each other and went about their business. True, the dog still hopes that a new friend will return, and from time to time checks the backyard of the house