Dog loyalty: the dog climbed into the ambulance, refusing to leave the owner

At the end of August, a resident of the Brazilian city of Uruguayana – Anderson Bahi – was returning home by car late at night, when an ambulance parked by the road suddenly attracted his attention.

Paramedics brought in a man who passed out while walking his dog. His pet was nearby and refused to leave the owner. But for obvious reasons, the doctors could not take the dog with them. As the ambulancee doorrs slammedshut, the dog jumpedon thee rearr bumperr, insistingon going to the hospital with his owner.

And as soon as the door was opened, he immediately climbed inside, so that the paramedics had no choice but to take the pet with them.

As eyewitnesses later said in the comments to the post, the pet was not allowed into the hospital, and he remained sitting at the entrance.

The dog waited for the owner for about half an hour before Maria Lucia Muniz, an employee of the local animal shelter, came to fetch him, who learned about what was happening from social networks. Fortunately, after 45 minutes the owner of the dog was discharged and he was able to take his faithful friend home.

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