Courageous pup receives the warmest atmosphere and tenderness having her pads damaged and been in a dustbin

Courageous pup receives the warmest atmosphere and tenderness having her pads damaged and been in a dustbin

The boss of the butcher shop dangled the dog headlong in a gloomy space, and began to hit the small dog so that her body became delicate.
Unfortunately, the pads of the pad were firmly bound with a cable so that the helpless puppy became infected, and her pads began to form pus.
Thus, they could not use her meat, dumped it in a dustbin near the butcher shop.
Luckily, a person saved her life and the small dog remained alive.

They operated the puppy, cutting off her all legs in order to give the small dog a new life, and her eyes were radiating with a satisfaction to her new lord.
According to her savior the pup lived and was soon desired of walking, and had a shining look.
They gave the dog the name Chi Chi, “adoring” in Korean.
The puppy recovered within two months under the control of a veterinarian, then, she was taken to her new home in Phoenix, Arizona.

At this moment she is looking forward to see her saviors, who want to prosthetize her legs.
They are also thinking about taking Chi Chi to remedial treatment with the kids and war participants who have also been amputated.

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