Beautiful relations that swan made with her savior

Beautiful relations that swan made with her savior

Andrew Wilson, who is 65 years old, saw a damaged swan for about 35 years ago.
During his tour to New Zealand, Andrew was walking in a park, when noticed a creature fallen in the center of the park. He immediately ran towards it and found out that it was a beautiful swan, who had been harmed by a wild animal. Andrew rushed to provide first aid to the wonderful creature, due to which swan survived.

Andrew took the swan to a ranch in Auckland, New Zealand. He began to look after the bird; he cured the swan himself, nourished her, and provide with shelter.
As the swan was seriously damaged, Andrew couldn’t let her in the forest. Then, she recovered after a long and careful treatment, but she didn’t want to leave the farm, in particular, her savior.

She felt her comfortable and happy in the ranch. All the time she was walking after Andrew.
As to the words of Andrew, he is fond of animals and he couldn’t let the swan helpless in the forest to become a food for the wolves and other wild animals.
Andrew called the swan Crystal, which has the meaning of purity and clarity.
Their friendship lasts more than 30 years.

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