The article is about a dog who unluckily had been left by its holders.
Its name was Heart who was faithful to its holders and it was in depression when being lonely during that hard time for it. Its holders put it in a separate house where it had to leave until its last days.
Luckily the pet was not left lonely as a group of volunteers determined to assist it. One of the savior named it as Heart.
The pet had suffered for a long time as it had issues while moving. He was accustomed to search for meal in the evening and then return to the ancient house where the dog was.
When the volunteers rescued it they presented a wheelchair in order assist it while walking. They could not do anything else to cure the dog but just wanted to give it a little bit happiness.
They wished to create better days for the animal. Gianna determined to allow the pet to sit near sea and to have a rest there through wind. The dog was enjoying the moment. It would be unforgettable for it.
Some legs of the animals were motionless that no one could imagine its state. Anyway due to the kind people the pet in some way many not remember about its pain enjoying the scene of the sea.