Sometime baby creatures when are not invited in some place can really make our day.
They can make a smile on our face just without any reason. Fortunately when these kinds of funny moments occur in most cases they are recorded and we can watch for several times.
From pictures we can see an interesting scene. We would say the baby was not a professional one to make people to look at it but it was rather small.
By chance it appeared under attention by the audience. The performance of the horses had begun when a baby foal by chance attracted attention by its appearance.
You could have guessed the show had been planned but the continuation was not was it was organized. The baby creature did not have a wish to prevent the performance but it just saw it mommy across the horses and decided to rush to them.
Its mother was rather busy with performing show in the stage. The funny story of the small foal became popular and human were showing their feelings.
They were admiring of it. Its sudden appearance made people to have fun and enjoy more the show. It was a lovely animal.