The rabbit turned into a warrior when the reptile wanted to attack its kittens

In the wildlife there are a lot of inhabiting animals.

Animals differ from other creatures with not only their appearance but also how they behave. Some can be flexible, courageous other can be coward or helpless.

It is considered that rabbits are coward animals. And when feeling danger they can ran and just to hide somewhere to feel protected. Sure rabbits are cute animals.

And what we know about them is that they just like to eat carrots. The story would make you consider your thoughts about them. You will be amazed to what mummy rabbits are capable to protect their babies.

They can behave themselves roughly when the life of their baby is at risk. Once a reptile determined to bite the offsprings but actually regretted.

It managed to reach to one of the babies and was thinking that it could be successful in its mission. But at that time the mommy rabbit came back.

The condition of the snake was not successful and when looking at the photos you will see that the snake is rather poor.

The mummy animal could give it a good lesson to it showing that it should not come close to its babies. As we see in wildlife everything can be possible.

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