Even skeptics believe in the paran ormal after this video. And none of the scientists could explain this pheno menon from a scie ntific point of view.

Even skeptics believe in the paran ormal after this video. And none of the scientists could explain this pheno menon from a scie ntific point of view.

Or… even if there’s a reason for the ghost dog to be captured on camera, scary things can happen, right? Well, the jury is not out yet. It’s a dog or not: it’s up to you.
The Aussie man was confused and stunned as he scored the
a “ghost puppy” playing with his puppy in the park. The photos are taken with a surveillance camera and appear to be a white puppy or a translucent dog playing with his dog.

Jake DeMarco shared the amazing video on the internet. He said other animals couldn’t enter his yard because his fathers yard was surrounded by locked fences.

And so DeMarco describes how he found out: “The dog was running around the yard playing with another dog. Especially that night. I realized he wasn’t alone. I was surprised and confused when I saw the picture because I knew my puppy was alone.”
If you believe these videos, ghosts seem to like puppies because they’re cute.

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