A chance meeting of an owl and a cat was the beginning of a good and kind friendship

A chance meeting of an owl and a cat was the beginning of a good and kind friendship

The world of animals is always admirable. Their funny friendship stories spread and grab our hearts. So this time a cat and its owl companion stole the show. All have met!
This couple has a beautiful inseparable friendship. The place where the duo met was very special. Believe it or not, they first met at a coffee shop in Osaka, Japan, and they currently have an important residence: a coffee shop with pictures of animals.

Unlike other cafes of the same subject, this captivates many furry creatures. Turtles, hedgehogs, rabbits, hamsters, lizards and also cats and owls are also welcome! The couple, Fuku and Marimo, are always there for the guests.

Everyone comes to this cafe for this beautiful presence, and the pleasant couples take pictures.
And who can blame them?

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