A small boy found a dog that can not look well. And the boy’s family decided to adopt a dog

A small boy found a dog that can not look well. And the boy’s family decided to adopt a dog

Jenkins Rose was walking with her puppy Jay and they were about to go inside the apartment.
Jenkins, announced: “I thought there was some smell of food, but it was not. »
“I was surprised to see that he was so nervous and amazed. I didn’t know if it was a mouse or what it was. Jenkins then found a white and black cat which hid between the walls of an abandoned hotel.

“The cat was confused, and stood there in turmoil, he was all skinny. My dog ​​loves cats,” Rose announced. “She was the best foster mom.”
It was really interesting for the dog, so Rose left the cat there and when Jay crossed her fingers and brought the kitten back down, she went to their apartment hoping that everything was fine and still there.
I asked my husband to bring me a litter box and a blanket. “No, what have you discovered now?” he shouts. “I told him, ‘I found a cat!’
“He was just withdrawn and worried, probably getting his bearings,” Rose announced.
“He immediately looked at me! »

The kitten was really scared because and Rose was breathing rapidly. She bent down and wrapped a blanket around the kitten.
Then she took it, put it in a box and brought it home.

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