A cute case when a small dog instead of his house fell asleep in his owner’s shoes

A cute case when a small dog instead of his house fell asleep in his owner’s shoes

Small dogs always create love scenes. These pills are so charming, when they sleep or play, our mind rejoices just by seeing them.
Speaking of hilarious moments this cute animal is on a level of sweetness. His mother took a picture of him looking for a place to stay warm, he is tiny but completely adorable.

And where better to find her than her mother’s fluffy slippers. In addition to spotting them at random, it also leads its owner’s paws to possess warm slippers for him.
With such a wish, the father does not know what to do to remove the feet from the slippers.
The next few moments, Xiao Zhi Ma, he wants to crawl to a safe place. The owner of the little dog, Sesam, voluntarily wanted to share these moments in social networks.

He wanted to show his adorable pup warming up during the winter. This dog tries to steal shoes from everyone’s door.

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