For a long time they were looking for a cute pet and finally found him

For a long time they were looking for a cute pet and finally found him

Bringing home a street animal is a more beautiful experience. Popa Sorin was an animal lover. He decided with his partner to bring a puppy into the house and we named him Dante.
The little puppy got used to his new family perfectly, but over time we realized that he needed a playmate. Popa was about to change the house, but first of all he decided to bring a cat so that Dante could play as soon as possible. There was a stray kitten who needed a family he figured out how to achieve his goal, as Sorin was living with cats at that time.

So he got a call from his sister and saw an uncertain kitten and thought he could help her. The little cat was abandoned and was alone in the muddy street, meowing trying to get food. The duo have around 7,000 followers on Instagram.

Sorin started looking for her immediately, it was the day of her eviction and Sorin left the cat in her new apartment. The next day the family came with Dante. And at first both were suspicious.

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