The famous photograp her from Poland mad e the best pho to sessio n of dog s

The famous photograp her from Poland mad e the best pho to sessio n of dog s

These breeds of animals offer love and expect nothing in return. They are loyal, friendly and very interesting. And it’s easy to guess what species I’m talking about. Dogs make the world magical. No doubt about it. And we can’t get enough of these lovable creatures, so talented photographer Zmyslowska Alicia decided to photograph the puppies she chanced upon. And at the end: a cute dog portrait.

On behalf of Panda Bored, Alicia announced that she had loved animals since childhood. “I had two cute kittens when I was four, but my biggest dream has always been a dog.

That dream came true in 2006, the veteran photographer said. The pretty golden retriever Kiara finally came to my house and changed my life! It was filmed with a compact camera. A year later, I had my first digital album. So it all started!

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