A kin d mаn sаved his salar y for 1О уеars to sаve the livеs of manу реts
People are responsible for the depletion of different species of animals, the destruction of vast forests and the resulting destruction of planet Earth, but some of our fellow humans are doing the impossible because of human need. I have witnessed a surprising story about people’s kindness to animals, but nothing matches this man’s love for them. Baru is an ordinary person who lives in Pune, India. saved over 10 years to buy a sanitary car to help animals.
It’s my life. You cannot be indifferent. I will do this forever. But good guys not only help stray animals, but also those whose parents can’t get them to the vet.
In addition, Baru lives with animals without protection. They took care of them. “When the shelter is full, we have five or six lost children in our house. Some have legs or broken legs,” Baru says.
The man adds that many people are not grateful for helping these innocent creatures.
“Many people respect our work, but some of them don’t want to help them.”