The little puppy was in so much pain that he was afraid of all people. However, the owner was able to gain his trust

The little puppy was in so much pain that he was afraid of all people. However, the owner was able to gain his trust

June Eliza, a pit bull dog mix, was hit by a car while being dropped by her owner on the street. She was stunned, shaking and screaming from her broken bone when rescue teams found her . So because of her serious injuries, the shelter could not bear her trauma and estimated her as “terribly violent”.
Morgan Annie came voluntarily to care for the needy Ellis. The poor dog had a fractured lung, hip, and pelvis, and it was the emotional trauma that returned her to aggressive and problematic behavior.

Eliza tried to get used to her new owner in the first foster home.
The dog’s flinch of fear was painful to watch, but her owner grew even stronger to remedy the child’s trauma.

The sequence is a painful story of Eliza, who has found solace in Annie, as she struggles to heal her wounded soul.

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