The hedgehog named Waldo is domesticated and inhabits with Niki and Jack in Britain.
It is fond of passing time at different kinds of places. This kind of hedgehogs are known as pygmy ones because their origin comes from Africa.
They have been popular starting from 1980. This mammals are fond of hot climate and can have bright color.
Nicki took Waldo from one of the animal refuges. It was rather active and friendly. Later its holders found out that their animal was fond of smiling when they were hugging it or playing with it. At the end of the week they take the animal with them to the pub.
The cute mammal is enjoying its night with the holders and their companions and is fed with sweet things. It is 3 and is rather smart and can interact with strangers. Among them can be not only humans but also pets.
Its holders also keep dogs at house and they like one another. Niki thought that the mammal could have been a dog in a previous life. The thing is that the behavior of it is not ordinary for this types of animals.
They usually are calm and don’t like active lifestyle. Mostly they are angry or not in mood. And Waldo quietly differs from them. That is why it is a beloved one.