The story was posted byone of the residents of Ukraine, Denis.
It is about an appreciable faithfulness of an animal. He was told about two creations who were sitting on railway for some days.
When he got there he found out that one of the pets was wounded and was not able to move. What refers the other one it was defending its partner which was feeling helpless.
The group of rescuers who were there did not dare to go close in the beginning as the loyal pet did net let them approach it. Denis and his companions were rather surprised about the behavior of the pet that were left there.
The pet was risking its life staying next to its girlfriend. The pet thought could go and do not stay there it determined to be next to her hugging the poor animal.
Their sufferings lasted for several days. And actually its life could have been in danger.
The viewers on social media called them as new Juliet and Romeo. Denis through the story shows humans to follow the behavior of the dog. The volunteers could take them to the refuge.
Denis was in search of their holders. And two families announced that dogs belonged to them. He should find out who is right actually.