Melting pic of the cop who was sympathizing with the pet which had a car accident

A cop the name of which was Joshua was an officer living in Florida.

With his deed hi shows example that doing kind thing would not take you anything from you. Carlos one day when have a walk with his pet noticed a terrible scene. He saw a pet which was wounded had a car accident.

Frequently pets when suffer from pain are behaving aggressively to be protected. Anyway the cute pet was rather quiet.

It just needed to be comforted. The cop took his jacked and put it on the dog as a comfort. The passengers seeing the scene were taking pictures and became emotional. One of them confessed that not always you can be evident of such a thing.

The officer stayed next to the dog till the aid appeared. Otherwise the dog would be alone and at that time it was wet and felt hopeless.

Then the pet was moved to a refuge where it is passing cure. The volunteers are sure that it would be healthy in a short time. They will keep it there till its holders can be found.

The photos of an officer and a dogs became popular and he was praised for the deed.

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