The dog was giving milk in one of the zoos in China to four tiger babies

In Shandong, a province of China, a pet became a foster mother for small tiger babies which were left alone.

The employees of the Park determined to take the lonely creatures and the dog which had babies. He pet willingly started to look after the baby and fed them with its milk.

The babies could have left hungry as their mother did not want to look after the babies. They were born in summer. It is said that gold-colored tigers are undefended and are not spread in the wild nature.

Two babies were gold colored and the other ones had the white color. Snowy tigers are also considered to be infrequent but there is another reason for that. They have got blue eyes and colorful shades on their body.

That arose because of the genetic alteration. It is not a usual thing to be actual among animals. It can happen in every 10000 ones.

Looking at the photo one can be delighted. Sometimes we can wonder how mother can leave its owner children and another mom for who can be indifferent the fate of other children anyway to start to take care of them like they have given birth to them. Let such examples be a lot.

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