One day a fellow when going to his work noticed a small pet which was sitting near a building in the process of construction.
He sympathized with the poor animal and transferred it to his house but after some time it understood that it was not a dog but a tiny fox.
When knowing that fact the fellow anyway determined to support the poor one. He had no wish to keep it at home so he took it to a special center and informed about the animal.
The volunteers soon came and they examined it and they found out that the kit was 1 month to it was in need of special care in the clinic.
After being mature it will be set free. As the employees said fox mothers usually leave their kits and then return to take them back. If not returning then it means it has lost the trace.
And the same thing occurred to the same woodland. We are happy to hear that the man did not leave the kit alone outside.
As it might not have survived without maternal care. It is praising that there are lot of people who support animals but not harm them.