The poor pet was eventually rescued by teenagers group

One day a disabled pet was found in a wild nature in the U.S. by researchers.

No water or food could be seen around. The dog was suffering from hunger and it was not clear why it was there, it was a stray dog or not.

The unlucky pet was transferred to the clinic to be examined as it was not able to mov. It had no power. It was too tired and it could be actual that the dog had been tortured.

After the examination it turned out that the dog had anemia which arose because of infection obtained outside. It could have attacked by bugs and it was not actual when they harmed it maybe when it became disabled.

The period that the dog was living in chains was not certain. Doctors now are doing their best to recover its health.

The volunteers assist it to walk gradually. Now it is fed properly, gets enough attention. It is so cute and at the same time patient. Even the hardships it suffered it could get over it and attempts now to start a new life.

It can be apparent that it is not angry with people and other creatures because of its fate. We hope in future it will appear in a kind family living its life fully.

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