A kitty was captured on the camera when it was sympathizing with a helpless dog who had been abandoned by its holders.
It was a touching demonstration of how the one can be kind. In most cases the great proof shows how kind animals can be with towards each other. Luckily both the cat and pet had a happy fate.
The pet was seen wandering near a building for some months. Its holders were aged and could not take care of the animal that is why they determined to leave it lonely.
While taking the dog they did not also have the authorization. Anyway the dog had hope that one day they would come after it and was in search for them. It did not want to believe that it was abandoned.
The sad pet was fed by the residents but the most touching thing happened when one of the locals saw a cat cuddling the dog and showing that the dog was important to it.
As if it was encouraging the pet saying that the dog should not feel lonely that one day it will be in safe hands. The dog is rather active and communicable while the cat escapes from people.
When seeing them it can go somewhere and hide. The residents made a special place for them and the couple prefer sleep side by side and on the stairs.