The astonishing story of the elephant will make you happier and your day will be filled with mixed emotions.
One day a cute child of the elephant demonstrated how attentive especially it could be towards its mummy. Mostly mums look after their children but in the following story it was the contrary.
The baby could courageously rescued its mom from the attack of the reptile. The mummy elephants were drinking water when all of a sudden appeared from the river.
It managed to bit the trunk of mother while being near the water. Luckily its baby was beside her. It was ready to do everything to rescue the life of the mummy.
The mother herself was attempting to go away from the predator. To rescue the life of the mom the calf decide to spring on the back of the animal.
Eventually the crocodile was not able to resist the baby’s weight and set the trunk free and then left away. The baby was rather courageous. Yes it was clever and managed to assist the mom.
It is rather praising and touchy to see that the assistance is mutual and what people and creatures are ready to do for their familiars.